Our Manifestos

  • Burning Man camp with Chinese lanterns around tent with campers gathering in a circle

    For our Collective of Rational Mystics

    We believe in the power of reason and logic to understand the world, but also recognize the limitations of the rational mind.

    We seek to integrate the insights and experiences of mysticism into our understanding of the world, recognizing the possibility that there might be things that cannot be fully understood through reason alone.

    We believe in the interconnectedness of all things and the importance of compassion and empathy in our actions.

    We value open-mindedness and a willingness to question our own beliefs and biases.

    We strive to live in harmony with the natural world and to minimize our impact on the environment.

    We believe in the importance of personal growth and self-reflection as a means to understanding ourselves and the world around us.

    We recognize that true understanding and wisdom come from a combination of rational inquiry and personal experience.

    We value diversity and inclusivity, and believe that different perspectives can lead to a deeper understanding of the world.

    We support the exploration of altered states of consciousness as a means of expanding our understanding of reality, but always in a safe and responsible manner. 

    We strive to live in a way that is consistent with our values and beliefs, and to be a positive force in the world.

  • 50+ burners in front of large tent with large brass Cosmica sign

    For our Burning Man Camp

    We believe in the power of community and the importance of participation and commitment to the collective group.

    We believe in participation and communal effort, and require all members of our camp to actively contribute to the experience and well-being of the group.

    We value open communication and the willingness to address conflicts and challenges as they arise.

    We strive to create a safe and inclusive space for all members, and for all visitors of our camp.

    We believe in radical self-reliance, and expect all members of our camp to take care of themselves and their surroundings.

    We recognize the importance of leaving no trace, and commit to minimizing our impact on the environment.

    We believe in radical self-expression and encourage all members of our camp to explore their artistic side.

    We value diversity and inclusivity, and believe that different perspectives can lead to a deeper understanding of the world.

    We recognize the importance of immediacy.

    We strive to create a transformative experience for all members of our camp, and to be a positive force in the Burning Man community.